We are in cinema frenzy this week...
...last Friday the boy and I went to see Inception. Once upon a time, I wouldn't have given Leonardo the time of day, but I so enjoyed Catch Me If You Can, Blood Diamond, The Departed and Body of Lies that I'll make an effort for his movies these days. We saw it at the local flea pit (as it used to be known although now it's a multi-screen Odeon). If you like special effects and a very complicated and convoluted story line it's well worth a viewing...The Boy was transfixed. My only real concern was that the basic reason for the dream weaving was just some corporate bollocks...it would have been better if there had been a better starting point....
...Sunday we headed for Toy Story 3. I've nothing to add to all the superlatives already heaped on it. And yes, a few tears were shed. Thank heavens for a couple of nieces giving us a reason to go - I loved it when The Boy was a small wee one which gave me the excuse to go and see all the kids' movies...I'm having to beg, borrow or steal small children now so I can get to see these things these days....
And last night we went to see Bond, James Bond. Not a Daniel Craig extravaganza, but 'Goldfinger', which was being shown as part of the Somerset House outdoor summer season. I'd never seen it on the big screen, and better still it was introduced by the Director, Guy Hamilton...and Shirley Eaton...yes the very girl that was painted head to toe in gold - she had sashayed into the restaurant where we had been eating before...in a gold sparkly top! Yes she's obviously still playing the part. Of course the film creaks like a leaky old ship, but it was brilliant fun in amazing surroundings. Only one disappointment...nobody else joined me in shouting out, "No Mr Bond, I expect you to die"...but after a few glasses of whisky that didn't seem to matter at the time....

On Friday, we're back there to see Mulholland Drive...I seem to remember it's practically unintelligible, but should be equally fun. I have two spare tickets if anyone would like them...I'd be delighted to share the experience with you...just remember to bring a cushion and blanket!
Away from the films, The Boy is out of control...not too much, but he's clearly relishing his holidays. Yesterday he and The Cat took themselves up to Camden, managed to acquire some stuff (not quite sure what stuff, but it was stuff that should only be sold to an 18 year old). They then returned and set up the hubble bubble pipe and did whatever you do with one. I'm horrified. The Cat's Mum is horrified. But we don't think it's the slippery slope to Players No6 round the back of the bike shed...he knows that is a good way to die in a very horrible way. Clearly though there's some reigning in to be done.....