Anyway, it is April 1st and it is a Friday, so I've dug out some photos I've taken this month. If you double click on them you can see them full size
These two were actually taken in January 2009, but I was playing with Photoshop, and realised just how easy it is to completely change the nature of a picture. The first one has been altered - a late autumn on parched soil. As opposed to the second picture, the original, which was taken on a misty, snowy, cold winter's morning. Surreal. Some of the other pictures have been 'enhanced' as well...I wonder if you can guess which ones?

This is a piece of work by Ben Eine...we walked around the East End with some friends. Art or graffiti? I think it's very pleasing.
In Norfolk, I came across this tumbledown outhouse...really atmospheric
A shop in Shoreditch...ful of kitsch...the sort of thing you'll find this restaurant is decorated with. I love it.

More decay in enormous abandoned house
Same place
More Roa - an indoors had to walk all round it and peer inside to see all the work. Fascinating
I'm not a Royalist...these teabags were given to us by The Boy's German exchange student...they are a lot of fun, and we'll be re-using them on THAT wedding day
Lovely beach huts in Norfolk
Roa...absolutely my favourite street artist
I was just taking a picture of the child's footprint, when the dog came along and stuck his nose in
I asked this lady if I could take a picture of her and her dog...

Really pleased with this shot of geese
And finally more beach huts...nothing quite as quintessentially English as a beach hut