So it is worrying that my friends have started to point to an uncanny resmblence between me and ex-Russian President Vladimir Putin. What do you think?
I'm the one without the comb-over if you were wondering.

The matter has been the subject of much debate over the last few days because we are off to Russia: Moscow and St Petersburg - for a holiday at the beginning of April. And as someone who studied Soviet politics at University, I am expected to provide the expert commentary. Evidently. I have pointed out repeatedly that within a matter of months after I left the hallowed corridors of education, the Soviet Union ceased to be, so nobody should expect me to be back Kremlin watching. But that doesn't wash evidently, so I must dig out a few bluffers guides and hope that I can get away with it. Or perhaps my long-lost sibling will meet and greet us all at the airport....