Grandma in Cyprus sent me this....she says, "Thought might like to see our tame mantis - she has been living in our shed for about 3 months and last night she laid her eggs. They are in the little white ball in the corner of the picture, that ball should hold about 200 eggs, she appears to be guarding them. They can take up to 3 months to hatch it depends upon the heat of the weather"
How very exciting to be reminded of the exotica that lives with her in Cyprus. Of course I'm not talking about Step-Grandad in Cyprus as he is usually pretty down to earth. But whenever we've gone out there both the boy and (especially I) have enjoyed our David Attenborough moments - green frogs that will occasionally jump on you, and dragon flies that sun bathe next to the pool...we're yet to see the poisonous snakes that will finish you off pretty quickly, but it's only a matter of time. Near the airport (newly built because the old one is on land owned by a Turkish Cypriot) are flocks of flamingo if you arrive at the right time of year.
Of course the sea is full of wonderful creatures...I've swum with a turtle, and we've found octopus, cuttlefish, and all manor of fish we didn't ever find out the name of....
By comparison, our local fare has been Mr Rat, who rumour has it is no more, and a very bold and indeed fat Mr Fox, who felt confident enough to wander across the yard ibn front of the office in the middle of the day....