Have you seen those occasional news stories when people claim to have found the face of Jesus in a piece of toast, in an old rag, the inside of a tomato and so on? It was inevitable I guess that the moment the powers that be declared a drought, the heavens opened up and its not stopped since. Noah would be a happy man. Although it means I can't ride my motorbike, there are many upsides..including our lawn turning green for the first time in many months. Walking through the local park in Bermondsey, I spotted this puddle....it may not be the face of Jesus, but it certainly looks like a terrier to me...
Meanwhile we're getting ready for the Royal Jubilee by adding to our collection of limited edition Marmites...we love the stuff, so Ma'amite will go down well on the day.
In an example of ocer-reaction which is all too common these days, I see that a local fair in Northern Ireland was in all sorts of trouble for having an inflatable slide for the kids...it was in the shape of a sinking ship, and evidently a lot of people were upset. So they probably wouldn't appreciate The Boy's antics. He renamed his iPad The Titanic...just so that when he plugs it in it will sync...or not...