I thought I would share two images. Well one picture and one video. Both holidays mean a lot to me.
Here is The Boy in Bavaria which we visited last year. I blogged about it at the time. It was a wonderful week, which transported me back to my very late teens, as I spent my summer in Oberjoch before venturing to University. I hadn't been back since, and it was for me an emotional return to the hotel where I worked washing dishes. The hotel was still run by the same family, so I was able to reminisce. I think the holiday inspired The Boy - he loved the place, he takes German at GCSE (and likely through A Level) and will be taking two trips to Germany this year.
And this video. It might not look much. A red blob (I don't mean that in a blobby sense, but ski wear is hardly flattering) sliding a few metres down the snowy slope in France. I took the video in January. This was the first holiday that The Boy and I holidayed with The Cat and The Cat's Mum. The Cat's Mum doesn't like exercise. At all. Her friends said she'd never come. She did. She threw herself into learning to ski...which is never easy. And she might have even enjoyed it...although she'll never admit it...well not to her friends anyway - only to me. This is the first time this video has seen the light of day (and my first YouTube upload) so in tabloid fashion I add: