Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Well he's a jolly good Fellowes

Was I the only person in whole world to hear Hugh Bonneville as The Rt. Hon. Robert, Earl of Grantham in the first episode of series three of Downton Abbey (hoorah...Sundays haven't been the same for a long time!) say he didn't want to be remembered as "the one that dropped the torch and let the flame go out".

I hooted with laughter as this was such an obvious reference to his role in Twenty-Twelve, the fantastic mockumentary which ran on the Beeb in fits and starts in the run up to the Olympics this summer.  Hugh was Ian Fletcher, Head of Deliverance, and he and his team were sometimes just a bit too close to the reality...which makes you wonder whether they had someone on the inside.

Now it's all over we know that sustainability is about making difficult decisions, whilst legacy is about making the right that's all right then

As for Downton...we're all glued to the sofa whilst it's on, and delighted the first episode promises so much as the evenings begin to draw in