Monday 13 August 2012

Normal service?

I may need to renew my grasp of instead of floating along like a fluffy cloud, I must sit at my desk deal with the pile of work that has sneaked up on me over the last several weeks, and wade through the mountain of bills and official correspondence that I've studiously avoided.  Damn it's been a good summer!

Back at home, we need to return to some sort of regular routine.  The Boy and The Cat have returned triumphant from Edinburgh...they have done themselves and us proud.  They have come back hyped to the hilt, and so they should...but come Thursday there will be an air of seriousness descend.  Thursday is results day...and that is enough to induce a degree of nervousness even amongst the most laid back of folk.  We have fingers and toes seems so unreasonable that after the tensions of waiting for results last year we have to go through it all again this year...and again next year.  I've read that the Government is thinking of not having A2s any more...and I cannot but feel that would be a good thing.

We have some good news.  Away at CCF Camp The Boy achieved his ambition of being promoted to RSM...he will be head of the school CCF contingent for the next year.  He is delighted. We are delighted...but not without misgivings.  This will only encourage him to pursue a path which we know could end in tragedy.