I see those bloody Icelanders have been at it again....sending us their ash just a year after the last one. It's the money we want back, not their soot.
Yesterday I ate the devil's food. Spring onions that I stole off The Cat's plate. And no matter what I do all I can taste is....spring onion. I'm in despair. I may yet need to gargle with sulphuric acid.
On the other hand, The Boy has been cooking the food of the Gods. That'll be burgers which he made from a recipe with the grill that George gave me last week, and some tuna as well. I know I've banged on about this grill...but it has got The Boy cooking, and that's a good thing. Anyway he's cooked twice and it's been cracking grub. His university days are sorted. And so are our meals for the foreseeable future....
And if you're wondering about that competition, I'm going to ask George to send a grill to Steve on the basis that his suggestion was the most ridiculous. Obviously, the judging was free and fair (the voting system is the same as the one they use in Syria) and no correspondence will be entered into...
The other thing that's eating well at the moment is our squirrel...actually there's two of them. We've put some feeders out for the birds...we get robins, jays, crows, woodpeckers, blackbirds, wood pigeons and some that we just don't know in the garden, so we thought it would be good to feed them up. The squirrels think otherwise and are stealing all the nuts, so we're going to let them finish the food and then won't replenish them. I expect that'll make them Angry Birds.